Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Mischief

I have been an angel this weekend!!  I spent all day long Saturday following mom from room to room as she cleaned.  Yesterday it was Mothers Day and Movie Day wrapped up in one, so I slept in moms lap all day!  What better way to show mom love, right?

Mom did agree that I was angelic this weekend, but she said my shedding and lack of cleaning my up toys made up for the usual mischief  I partake in.


Please note, I see some dust in that the hair…so not all my mess!!

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As for the toys…I am sure that someone else could be playing with them as well….right?

Happy Monday Y’all and Happy Late Mother’s Day!


  1. At least you TRIED to help, right?

  2. Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day! I think you were just trying to offer up some fur to keep your Momma warm! LOL!

  3. As for the toys, hows a guy gonna know what he's got if they are all "neatly" stacked up in the toy basket. A guy has to survey his stuff and make sure all are accounted for.

  4. oh you make the same messes my ozzy does! it's a good thing you guys are so cute!

  5. LOL I think the mischievous Hair Fairy comes and sprinkles hair around when you're not looking! ;)

  6. Hi Higgins! I'm glad to see you checked out our blog. It's nice to know we have a new friend!

    Nicole and Macho

  7. I have the same problem mate; get blamed for everything. Like I could make this much mess! Deccy x

  8. Gremlins totally spread dog toys all over the place. It happens here all the time.

  9. I bet someone came in your house when no one was looking and did it....

  10. oh yes, someone else fur sure!! I bet the pesty squirrel snuck in and messed it up!!!


  11. Hey Higgins! I believe it wasn't you too! The basket must have just toppled, it has been very windy lately :D

  12. Obviously, someone else got out all those toys and left hair for your mum to clean up - sooo inconsiderate!
    Good thing she had you to sit on her lap all day and cheer her up.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  13. Hey Higgins, Jet here.

    Dude, way to go on Mother's Day!

    I would sign any witness statement you need supporting your belief that someone in ADDITION to you played with the toys and made a mess!

  14. I (Frankie Furter) think you are Totally Correct on all counts!!

  15. Hi Higgins!

    Apache says there's nothing wrong with a little shedding or trying to play with every dog toy in the toy basket.

    Happy Monday!
    Apache & Colby

  16. Shedding...we know all about that mischief!

    the brown dawgs

  17. But its the peeps' job to clean up after us!
    Dachshund Nola

  18. Sounds like a fab day buddy!! :)

    Jeepers, it's the same here too, always complaints about shedding (which I hardly do) AND toys being left out!! I don't complain about their mess!! :)

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  19. Could be, but I seriously doubt that. Your nose prints are all over the place.

    I can totally relate though. My room is a mess of fur and toys because of Peanuts and Chooey's work.

    Huggies and Cheese,

